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June 7, 2017

RICT eMO Paid list & Consolidation

Receiving many queries regarding how to get RICT eMO paid list  and consolidation.

When the eMO paid,scanned,synchronized in RICT machine, eMO application at SO/HO will receive paid data,there after data transmitted to central server.

When you track the eMO in eMO package at SO/HO or Online and get the eMO remarks as Paid, you will get reports of paid list & consolidation in Postman Package.

Reports-->eMoney Orders-->eMO Paid-->List.

So you don't need to prepare manual list/consolidation.

Note: If synchronization not done properly in RICT device, you will not get report in Postman Package.

for any queries you may contact me at " spm.rayakuduru.so@gmail.com ".

1 comment:

  1. Since 14 days the emo paid data not synchronised. How to do it manually.


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Site is best viewed in Google Chrome. Last updated on 10-Jun-2017